Current Obsessions: How To Remake An Ugly Wall With Gorgeous Stacked Stone

April 25, 2018


Transforming a bland wall into a fabulous feature wall requires more than just paint. Why? Because unless the homeowner chooses a bold or contrasting color, the paint alone doesn’t make for a feature wall quite like gorgeous stacked stone. And even when a bold paint color does work well with the rest of the décor, it’ll draw too much attention to the wall as opposed to adding style to the entire room.

Natural stone in neutral or dark tones can stand on its own, whereas a painted wall will require accessorizing in order to jazz up the flat surface. Here are some reasons why you’ll want to remake an ugly wall into a gorgeous feature using stacked stone ledger panels.

Like Beautiful Art

casa-blendFeatured: Casa Blend 3D Multifinish Stacked Stone

Using stacked stone veneer like Casa Blend 3D Multifinish creates multicolored, textured panels reminiscent of impressionist art, where the focus is on the color and shadows. The staggered combination of the soft cream and warm beige travertine in split-face and honed finishes adds tons of dynamic texture to the space.

The artwork is definitely secondary to the stacked stone wall, as the lines of the blues and browns mimic the lines of the stone. If this room featured paint instead, then it would take away from the added organic element of the design. Your eye would also be more drawn to the accessories than the overall monochromatic mixture of natural materials.

Next-Level Wall Treatment

sierra-blueFeatured: Sierra Blue Stacked Stone

Unlike paint, or even wallpaper, stacked stone literally takes your design to the next level with its three-dimensional qualities. Sierra Blue is a ledger panel stone made of cool blue and gray quartzite. The colors contrast beautifully with the warm woods and furnishings in this traditional lounge, and by carrying the stone onto the adjacent wall, it makes the space feel more like a rustic cabin, which probably wouldn’t be achieved with a lick of paint.

Ideal Element for Minimalism

Featured: Sage Green Stacked Stone

There’s no doubt that stacked stone can stand alone as a beautiful element in any home, but it’s the perfect backdrop for a minimalistic look like this one. Sage Green ledger stone is a contemporary design that makes the room feel complete. The various earth tones with hints of mica are found in the few pieces in the room: The smooth creamy coffee table, the streamlined beige couch, and the white and gray graphic artwork. With a green or gray painted wall, the living room would feel bland and boring.

High-End Luxury

Installing stacked stone as a feature wall instantly adds high-end style and creates a luxurious look because it’s another design feature with color, texture, and pattern. This stacked stone fireplace includes Durango Cream, a three-dimensional travertine stone with warm beige tones. The stone elevates the contemporary fireplace and large built-in TV and takes this living room to the next level! It wouldn’t have the same richness and elegance if the wall were painted a plain color.


coal-canyonFeatured: Coal Canyon Stacked Stone

Even when you choose a bold color like black or blue, the stone won’t overwhelm the room because its tones are natural. Coal Canyon is a black quartzite in a split-face finish that gives this rustic room a more contemporary look. The floor-to-ceiling installation accentuates the architecture of the A-frame structure, and the contrasting color brings out the warmth of the oak wood floors and trim even more.

If the paint color from the adjacent wall was used on the feature wall, then it would’ve been too matchy-matchy with the painted wall, club chairs, and pool table top being the same color. Stacked stone is the perfect choice for turning a boring wall into a stylish feature of the room because it provides so much more character than paint can.

Whether you decide to feature a stacked stone backsplash wall in the kitchen or amp up the luxury in the living room, MSI carries a wide range of natural stone options to suit your budget and personal aesthetic. For more design inspiration, check out this article on using stacked stone inside the home.