Granite Countertops: A Great Investment For Home Improvement

April 28, 2014

If you suddenly had a large home improvement budget, what would you spend it on first?

If your answer is The Kitchen, you’re not alone! Most American consumers agree with you – improvements to the kitchen generally have the greatest return of investment, both in personal pleasure because of their frequent use and for resale value. If you answered Granite Countertops, you wouldn’t be off base either – granite countertops remain at the top of the list for the most desired countertop material!


Granite countertops are a mainstay in desirable home improvements for several key reasons, the least of which are that resale value, though it is very important: The top benefits are function, aesthetic beauty, and image.

Function – There are few countertop materials that are as easy to maintain as granite. It is extremely durable. Granite is stain, scratch, heat and chemical resistant. It is known as the hardest natural stone countertop material. Many consumers are attracted to its easy maintenance. Sealing it is important, though granite does not have to be sealed often. On a daily basis, dusting and wiping spills are the biggest requirements – activities a homeowner would do anyway, on any countertop surface that is used to prepare foods – followed by using potholders and trivets to ensure extreme heat or cold are not introduced to the stone. Keeping the stone free of acidic items that may eat at the sealing are also important, but this is a choice most homeowners will make for any natural stone countertop to protect it. In general, granite countertops are an investment that lasts decades and one that homeowners will enjoy from day one.

Beauty – One might argue that great function is the most important criteria for a surface that will see a great deal of use and traffic in the home. The kitchen is definitely one such place, and a countertop must perform, first and foremost. However, just as many would argue that attractiveness in a material is equally important for a surface that will be so visible on a daily basis. Whether you are a form or function-type individual, granite will meet all expectations. This natural stone is complex, unique, and brings pure nature into the home. Granite is potentially available in large slabs, which means a stunning surface with minimal or no grout lines – large, sweeping expanses of this stone are impressive when compared with a tile alternative. There are over 250 colors and patterns of premium granite available from MSI, which means there are a variety of choices for suiting your overall design scheme. Better yet, granite has become a truly timeless look. This means that your décor can change over time but your countertops will not feel outdated. A neutral choice or a bold choice in color or finish has a chameleon-like ability to adapt to either traditional or contemporary designs, depending on the cabinetry, floors, backsplashes, appliances and decorative accents.

Image- Granite countertops continue to be viewed as an upgrade. Though many newer homes come with granite countertops as the standard, older homes do not. Granite countertops, however, have become so popular that they are often a requirement for both first time buyers and for current homeowners who know a remodel with granite countertops will upgrade their experience in the kitchen, as well as make their home more marketable should they choose to sell later. According to “Cost vs. Value Report” from Remodeling magazine, in the last five years, kitchen remodeling projects have generally returned 80 to 85% of consumers’ investments. This means that those new, first time buyers are putting the kitchen (and high-end countertops) at the top of their lists, and those with homes on the market have good reason to invest in quality surfaces to meet the demand.

Repairs will always be at the very top of the list for home improvements, but granite countertops are definitely the first choice for homeowners who have the luxury of investing in an upgrade – one they will enjoy for its function, beauty and high-end image!


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